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Wyoming Policy Makers Delegation to China

June 2014, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Ningxia Hua


"Your organization has tremendous credibility.  The Wyoming Legislature and Executive Branch in Cheyenne need to know what an asset you are to the state".

-Tom Lubnau, Former Speaker, Wyoming House of Representatives


In 2014, JHCGA organized the first ever Wyoming House Legislative leadership trip to Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Ningxia to meet with fellow policy makers in China in these coal-producing provinces to discuss pathways forward and enhanced value opportunities for coal.


This state to province delegation was organized in cooperation with U. S. Department of Energy; the China Council for Promotion of International Trade, Shanxi Branch; the Foreign Affairs Office of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region; the Foreign Affairs Office of Shaanxi Province; and the Shaanxi Provincial Institute for Energy Resources & Chemical Engineering.


The Delegation yielded the following Summary Report and Memorandum of Understanding between JHCGA and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Shanxi Branch.


Upon returning the Wyoming, House Leadership showcased a Powerpoint in town hall and constituent meetings discussing the leadership trip, what is happening in China, and what it could mean for Wyoming's coal future as it relates to technologies such as Enhanced Oil Recovery Technologies as potential pathways forward for coal. 




                                                      Members of 2014 Wyoming Delegation


Tom Lubnau, Speaker, Wyoming House of Representatives (leader of delegation)

Tim Stubson, Majority Whip, Wyoming House of Representatives

Mary Throne, Minority Floor Leader, Wyoming House of Representatives

John L. Freeman, Wyoming House of Representatives

Dustin Bleizeffer, Editor-in-Chief, Wyofile

Zunsheng (John) Jiao, Chief Geologist, Carbon Management Institute, University of Wyoming

Olivia Meigs, Director of Communications, Jackson Hole Center for Global Affairs

Mark Newcomb, Board of Directors, Jackson Hole Center for Global Affairs

Matthew Targett, Vice President, Research and Development, LP Amina

Shi Zhenchun, President, Peabody China

David Wendt, President, Jackson Hole Center for Global Afffairs



 News coverage of the 2014 legislative delegation from Wyoming:




在2014年, JHCGA举办有史以来第一次怀俄明州众议院立法领导前往山西,陕西,宁夏在这些产煤省份的中国同胞的政策制定者开会讨论路径前进和提高价值的机会煤炭。









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